What is YHR?

The Youth Health Review is an international peer-reviewed journal where high school students can submit their own original research on global health. This program gives passionate students a platform to share their research and contribute to the scientific community.

Submissions are accepted free of charge year-round to be included in our seasonal issues. Through the extensive peer-review process, YHR ensures that all published work is accurate and of high quality. This experience teaches students about academic research and prepares them for their future careers in STEM.

Who should submit?

Anyone can submit to YHR, even those who don’t have experience! All you need is an interest in and dedication to your research. Our requirements are designed with high school students in mind, and through our peer-review process, we guide all authors towards producing their best work possible.

YHR is intended for a scientific audience and its goal is to help youth contribute to global health literature. If you are instead interested in helping communicate global health to the general public, please consider Youth Health Speakers.

How can I submit?

Please consult our submission guidelines for all submission procedures and guidelines.

Submission Guidelines